YICG message

A rich tapestry of all things YICG...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thoughts from the last GITA class3/19/2011

The concept of "willing yourself to end your current life". We are not talking about suicide, but an elderly who feels that they have accomplished all they needed to and are now at peace and ready to leave this life and move on.
Share your thoughts.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In memory of - Venkata Ramakrishna Kantamneni

Aug 6th, 1937 - Dec 26th, 2010


We take some time at the start of the New Year to remember Mr. Kantamneni, who was an integral part of YICG for so many years. He passed away on Dec 26th, 2010 at home, in New York, after a valiant fight with liver cancer. He remained alert to the end, engaged with his life, making sure that everyone in his circle was least disturbed.

To many he was known as Tanuja's father - to us he was Mama. Over the last ten years he cared for so many facets of running our program, not public but behind the scenes. He was always there, willing to lend a hand in anything. We remember when he painstakingly took individual photographs for our 2005 yearbook, with prefabricated ethnic backgrounds. It was an extraordinary initiative and we could not have done it without Mama and his methodical approach. He was there for our annual functions taking detailed instructions on how he should photograph the show, with a cumbersome camera weighing at least 5 lbs. He was such a good sport.

There was a time when we had no banners and he offered to get many varieties made in India, during one of his trips. We have our lightweight banners now due to his efforts. His numerous trips to India always had some YICG shopping - table coverings, books, banners, posters, maps, saris, and artifacts. Our resource room would be incomplete without all these treasures. He was our first Telugu teacher, bringing the books from India and embarking on a new curriculum.

He was amazingly artistic, able to work with precision on art projects. We have a beautiful picture of baby Krishna in our Resource room made by him with small glass beads. We will continue to cherish it.

He was truly willing to wear any hat to support us. Over the years he and his wife donated generously, mindful of our ongoing financial needs. He was part of our working team.

Undoubtedly his blessings form a key element of YICG's metaphorical foundation, based on generosity of thought, word and deed. May his soul forever be a source of joy to all whose lives have been touched by him.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Rathi Raja

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sports Day at YICG - Annual Holiday

Every year Sports Day brings all our families together for some old and some new games!! See if you can recognize the games.

Conversational Hindi at YICG - Languages

Body Parts Bingo in Conversational Hindi!!!
Come learn to speak Hindi and also have lots of fun!!
Learn thru games, music, poetry and movies!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hiking in Sunken Meadow Park - Long Island

Photographing the photographer~~!!!

A brisk chilly day for a wonderful 2 hour hike in December  with Rajesh Verma leading the way. Surprisingly challenging on the Bluff, facing the ocean - steep, slippery with dry leaves. Immensely enjoyable by the Adult Gita class members.