YICG message

A rich tapestry of all things YICG...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sports Day at YICG - Annual Holiday

Every year Sports Day brings all our families together for some old and some new games!! See if you can recognize the games.

Conversational Hindi at YICG - Languages

Body Parts Bingo in Conversational Hindi!!!
Come learn to speak Hindi and also have lots of fun!!
Learn thru games, music, poetry and movies!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hiking in Sunken Meadow Park - Long Island

Photographing the photographer~~!!!

A brisk chilly day for a wonderful 2 hour hike in December  with Rajesh Verma leading the way. Surprisingly challenging on the Bluff, facing the ocean - steep, slippery with dry leaves. Immensely enjoyable by the Adult Gita class members.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

College Essay by Kripa Bhagat - The YICG Experience

College Essay by Kripa Bhagat:

"Every Saturday afternoon ever since I can remember, I have participated in the Hindu heritage classes offered by the Young Indian Culture Group. In first grade, we were hearing stories from the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. In sixth grade, we were making power points about the temples in India. Now, we understand the stories behind our culture, the religion behind our prayers, and the values behind our actions. I learned how to think conscientiously about the world around me. The lessons taught me to ask questions about everything. I learned the importance of respecting other people's opinions, preserving my culture, and appreciating others'. Every lesson gave me a broader view of the world and made me appreciate my own opportunities. As my life continues to thrust me in new situations, I am thankful to have
had an environment to grow into the strong-willed, passionate, and perceptive woman that I have become and I am excited to bring these qualities into my future experiences."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Leadership Lessons on Compassion and Empathy from Vedic 5 class

Prerequisite for Leadership - Compassion and Empathy - from Vedic 5 High School class

Krishna tells Arjuna in Chapter 5 - Vs 18-21 The Wise see Atma in everyone, irrespective of status in society. They are neither elated by pleasure nor saddened by pain. They remain in a constant state of joy. They conquer their senses, mind, intellect through the power of meditation and reach oneness with Brahman.
Some guiding principles to bring into our daily lives :

‘First see to understand and then to be understood’
* The more respectful and understanding you are, the more open you are to learning about other people
* The more you learn, the less you fear
* The less you fear, the more comfortable you feel around all kinds of people
* The more people you know, the more you appreciate the diversity of experience and the more interesting your life becomes

Genuine Listening
* First, Listen with your eyes, heart and ears - 7% words, 40%Tone/Feeling, 53% Body Language
* Second, Stand in their Shoes
* Third, Practice Mirroring - it does not advice, does not judge, it reflects
* Mimicking Mirroring
 Repeating Words Repeating Meaning
 Using the same words Using your own words
 Cold & Indifferent Warm & Caring
*Poor Listening Styles
- Spacing Out
- Pretend Listening
- Selective Listening
- Word Listening
- Self Centered Listening(Judging, Advising, Probing)

Conversational Hindi - Young Indian Culture Group, Languages

The sweet sounds of Hindi!!
Rachna Bahri with Conversational Hindi students

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mangala 2010 !! Festival of Arts !!

Meena Mani & Geetanjali Group

View Clip

The many participants in 'Mangala' Festival of Indian Arts at the Landmark in Port Washington on Dec 5th, 2010.

Mala Desai and Odissi

Malini Srinivasan & Dancers:  View Clip

Sejal Kukadia Tabla  View Clip

Lalitha Badrinath View Clip

Our Organizers: Runi Ratnam, Rathi Raja, Latha Desikan, Jayanthi Krishnamurthy & Tanuja Reddy